This is me. · Uncategorized

Dear Future Husband,

Dear future husband

Here’s a few things you need to know

if you wanna be my one and only

all my life

Is it wrong to make a mental (or, in this case, physical) list of attributes you look for in a partner? High expectations mean you think more of yourself and hold more respect and regard for people. This doesn’t mean you are self-absorbed or picky. It means you know what you want in life.

So, without further a due. Guys, this is for you.

Dear future husband,

I know you’re out there, possibly dating the girl you believe to be your soul mate. I hope she is kind and you treat her respectively because one day, we’ll be sitting by a fire in the house we picked out together and I’ll ask you, who all have you loved in the past. This will not be out of jealousy but out of a natural curiosity about how your life was spent before it became our life. I hope you’re preparing yourself now for my stubborn and strong willed personality. My flawed body and views. My want for every stray that walks into our yard. My desperate need to venture into new places. My inability to sit still. My atheist mind and my agnostic heart.My undeniable love for people. My ability to just sit and lay in the grass for hours contemplating anything and everything that wanders into my mind. My lust for caramel frappes from McDonald’s. My desideratum to talk things out. My voiced insecurities. My inner activist.The essential curiosity that drives me. My scattered mind. My troubled past and promising future. I’ll be preparing for you. I’m not quite sure how yet, but I’ll figure it out.

I hope you are







not so macho that it clouds your mind,












and kind-hearted.

But, above all, I hope you are wiling to love me as I am. However, I imagine we’ll both morph into each others ideals of perfect. If you aren’t all of these, that’s okay. I imagine our life will be bliss without perfection. Sure, we’ll argue a little and find ways to annoy each other. But, we’ll also find ways to make it impossible for anyone to love as much as we do. I hope we create a life together that will lead to greater aspirations of others. I hope I find you soon and I hope you understand that I want to travel and do things before we commit our lives to one another. I hope you know I’m not afraid of commitment but of a wasted life. I hope you’ll walk around the house with me at night to make sure all the doors are locked. I hope you understand I refuse to start a family until after marriage and I’m unwilling to marry until at least later twenties. I hope we live together, a fulfilling and happy life.

With love,

your future wife.

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